Now found free in city-map your location and the industry list
With just a few clicks, enter your company free of charge in the city-map and you will be found at your location on the map and also in the industry lists with your company!
How do I get into the city-map directory?
city-map - perfect for your regional online marketing
1.024.994 Companies from all business areas are already participating worldwide and the number is increasing every day!
Register your company now and become part of the worldwide company network!
Your company will be in the future.
Your registration in 3 easy steps
Basic dataPreviewConfirmation
Basic data
Please enter your basic data here as it should appear in our directory.
Preview and selection
Congratulations, now your company is part of the City-map community. We invite you to book our great business card in order to be better placed and to attract more attention with your logo and short text.
Your free companyCARD
Now you have available
Your company in
Findable in 1 category in the city-map network
Best seller
Your extended businessCARD
Change to businessCARD now
Bigger presentation with your Logo
Findable in up to 5 categories in the city-map network
Better placement within the business lists
Short description in your visit card
Event calendar inclusive
Opening hours module inclusive
Coupons and Offers modules inclusive
Do it yourself mask
Only /Month
Thank you for registering and welcome to city-map
Our service team will check your entry and activate your business card after successful verification.
After activation, we will send you access data to your customer service centre (KSC) by e-mail. There you can expand your network free of charge and contact us if necessary.
I authorise city-map Internetmarketing AG (payee) to collect payments from my account by direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my credit institution to honour the direct debits drawn on my account by the payee. Note: I may request a refund of the debited amount within eight weeks, beginning with the debit date. The conditions agreed with my credit institution apply. *
Please check your emails for your login details to our platform. For security reasons, please set your personal password following the instructions you find in it. If you cannot find our message, please also check your spam folder. Once you have logged in to your customer area, you can edit your entry and add your logo and a short description. There you will also find short editing instructions.
Good luck with your city-map business CARD.
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